Published 2018-01-07 00:16:28

With this important update, we have introduce the Dash mining and the possibility to increase Hpower by deposit, between other things!

Good evening! As promised, we have made an important update tonight.

First of all, we have introduced a first new Crypto; it's now possible for premium user to mine Dash (displayed in Dash satoshi). In a very small amount of time, you will also be able to exchange and withdraw this currency. Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash are also coming soon!

As we previously announce, we also have added the feature of deposit (under Mining submenu). Many users ask for it as it is now possible to boost your mining rate by getting more Hpower this way. It will also be usefull to reach premium status faster!

There is no minimum to deposit, so don't hesitate to test it, even with only 1 doge, just to test it ;)

EDIT: Be careful to send the exact amount requested in the payment box or your Hpower won't be automatically added. If you made a mistake, please contact us through the support.

You can now the the exchange rate in the exchange page.

Also, as many users worry about withdraw pending, here is a small explanation ;

Crypto Mining Game exist since 24, Nov 2017 and has reach more than 16000 users. As it's a very high paying faucet, we have now hundreds of withdraw to make, but as our site is young and not enough tested, we need to control each transaction to be sure it's not a hack. Like you maybe know, just 1 hack can entirely kill a faucet, in addition when it's instant payout, and it's that we want to implemented; INSTANT PAYOUT IN NEAR FUTURE! We are a very (very) small team and it's quite an awesome work to do, please be patient and keep the trust.

To reassure you about it, we have integrated a "last payouts" feature at bottom of the withdraw page. As you can see we are regularly paying our users.

Thanks to you, Crypto Mining Game is today Alexa 115K! We have almost reach 100K, which is the target to (we hope) open the gate of the best paying Ad network! We are close to it, maybe a week or a little more.

Explore more and discover the world of Crypto Mining Game.

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2018-01-11 07:54:30
Important news about Wallet Withdraw

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2018-01-06 19:35:53
Help us to be famous and earn 100 satoshi!
Report your payment complete in and be rewarded 100 satoshi and 10 <i class="fa fa-bolt"></i> HPower for that!