Published 2022-07-20 15:22:00

The CMG NFT Cards are upcoming this week! Let's see how to get your first Collectible Cards NFT!



Dear Crypto-players, the CMG NFT Cards are here! Let's see how to get your first Collectible Cards NFT!


- Your card has to be level 15 to claim its NFT.

Setup MetaMask and connect your wallet

- Install the MetaMask browser extension and follow the steps:
- Add the POLYGON network to your MetaMask: Add POLYGON to Metamask

Now that you have your wallet on MetaMask and that it is connected to the POLYGON chain, let's connect it to CMG!
- Click the "Connect Wallet" button in the CMG top bar:

- You will then receive a MetaMask notification asking you to confirm the connection, press the "Sign" button:

- You should now see some information in the top bar:

- To claim an NFT, you will make 2 transactions on the POLYGON Network. The network requires a fee to make a transaction, that's why you will need some MATIC to be able to claim your NFT.
You can get some using MetaMask, just open MetaMask and you will see your MATIC balance. You can then use the "buy" option to get some.

- Note that you will need to pay some CGT to get an NFT, each card rarity has a different CGT price.

Choose your card and claim your NFT

- In CMG, go in "My Cards" and choose the card you want to go an NFT for.(The card has to be level 15)
- Click the "Claim your card NFT!"

You should now see the 'Waiting for the "approve" transaction' message, and a MetaMask prompt.

This transaction allows the CMG NFT to be given to you in exchange for some CGT. (The CGT price is written on the claim button and it is also displayed on the MetaMask transaction details.)
- Click the "Sign" button.

You should now see in the MetaMask activity tab that the transaction is being processed. - Be patient and wait for the Blockchain to complete the transaction.

Once done, you should now see the 'Waiting for the "claim" transaction' message with another MetaMask prompt.
This is the transaction that will give you your NFT in exchange for some CGT.
-Click the "Sign" button.

- Be patient and wait for the Blockchain to complete the transaction. - You should then see the 'Your NFT will be displayed soon!' message.

- Be a little bit more patient while the NFT data is being updated. - You should finally see the 'Your NFT is displayed!' message with your actual NFT!

Congrats! You now own a CMG NFT and can choose to "Select it".
NOTE: Once your NFT is claimed, your card level is back to level 1 but your NFT has the stats of a level 15 card + its bonus attributes! So you better use it ;)

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Previous News

2022-07-19 14:54:59
NFT Pre-Sale issue explained
Our apologize regarding the misunderstanding about the Pre-Sale of the NFT Cards.