Published 2021-05-17 06:50:53

Dear players, please kindly read this news about the last adjustments on the Withdraw System & FaucetPay integration.

Dear players, please kindly check the update of the Withdraw System. We are still improving it and hope it will be convenient for most of you :

30 000 Coinz Keys very week

We keep the 300$ weekly share using Coinz Keys. It's Now 30 000 Coinz Keys that will be regularly dropped at random in the Crypto-World every week.

Each Coinz Key will allow a player to withdraw 100 of any Coinz (please check below for details). Max Coinz keys Amount a player can get is according to his level, upon the formula LEVEL * LEVEL * 10 ( 1000 Coinz Keys at level 10, etc.).

New Withdraw possibilities and limits decreased

We add FaucetPay as a Withdraw possibility. You can easily create a FaucetPay account following this link -> Create a FaucetPay account. Using FaucetPay allow us to lower the limits of withdrawals! In addition, Withdrawals will now be enabled starting from level 10 (previously 15).

Bitz (BTC) - FAUCETPAY (MIN 1 Key - 100 Coinz) OR DIRECT TO WALLET (MIN 100 Keys - 10000 Coinz)

Dogz (DOGE) - FAUCETPAY ONLY (MIN 1 Keys - 100 Coinz)

Litz (LTC) - FAUCETPAY  (MIN 1 Key - 100 Coinz) OR DIRECT TO WALLET (MIN 100 Keys - 10000 Coinz)

Dashz (DASH) - FAUCETPAY  (MIN 1 Key - 100 Coinz) OR DIRECT TO WALLET (MIN 100 Keys - 10000 Coinz)

Etherz (ETHER) - FAUCETPAY  (MIN 1 Key - 100 Coinz) OR MATIC POLYGON NETWORK (MIN 100 Keys - 10000 Coinz)

Bitcashz (BCH) - FAUCETPAY  (MIN 1 Key - 100 Coinz) OR DIRECT TO WALLET (MIN 100 Keys - 10000 Coinz)

No more Week of Coinz, now it's treshold rule!

Processing 1 different Coinz every week was kind of boring for players, in addition that some Coinz are far more requested than others. Now, payouts will be processed regarding a treshold of 100$, meaning that once a Coinz has reached 100$ of requested payouts, it will be then processed within the next days after, regardless the week or time.

You can look at the payout treshold of each Coinz in the Withdraw page.

CMG v2.3 still on the run!

Just to remind you that CMG V2.3 is still on the run! Teleport Stations, Teleportation devices and World scanner will arrive as scheduled, no later than on next 20th, May 2021!

Stay tuned joining our Twitter and Discord!

Have fun playing Crypto Mining Game!

Explore more and discover the world of Crypto Mining Game.

Next News

2021-05-21 10:17:30
Check out the Official Coinz Keys Drop times! (erratum)
Please kindly check out the Official Coinz Keys Drop times as you will know when all will be dropped in the Crypto-World!

Previous News

2021-05-07 09:30:41
Soon in V2.3 - Withdraw system update and more
Crypto Mining Game V2.3 is coming, rework of the Withdraw system and more features! Please check the news to stay tuned!