Published 2019-10-07 10:12:26

Hi everyone! Here is just additional small details about the Spy and Battle system - Important to know

Hi Guys!

I guess some of you are still seriously concerned about the Spy and Battle system that will occurs with CMG V2. Please read carefuly to understand how it will not be penalizing for players;

  • If another player spy you, he would be able to see your level, your Victory points amount, your Crystal and CryptoCoinz balance and your Card's deck if you have one. He will not be able to see your hpower amount and cryptocurrencies balance.
  • You will be able to attack players within a range around your level (surely around 1 or 2, more or less). A battle report will be generated from both of your card's deck based on your card's levels and strategy built around the card's deployment (more info soon).
  • If you don't have a card deck, cards will be randomly picked up from all your cards, highest level first.
  • You won't be attacked more than a certain time a day (around 10, no more, maybe less), and no more than 1 time by the same player.
  • If you loose a battle, you will not lose cryptocurrencies! You might lose a small amount of crystals, cryptocoinz, maybe a few cards and Victory points.
  • Victory points will lead each player to a world rank, which will be finalized by a general rewards to the highest ranked players and VMP.

Of course, You will get more info about how all of this works in the next CMG V2 news.

Have a beautiful week!

Jamboom, CMG owner.

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Previous News

2019-10-05 08:01:18
CMG V2 - Previews and explanations - Part 1