Crypto Mining Game New Servers Online!
Published 2020-01-16 12:05:50
Hi CMG Players! We have just performed an huge server upgrade! Please check this news for details ;)
Hi dear players!
First, I wanted to personaly thank you for your patience, understanding and trust during this major update. It was not easy for me to perform all that work in such short time and your support has been an amazing help!
What has changed with this "server upgrade"?
In the game? Almost nothing except... the performances!
Game was beginning to be fully overloaded from 600-700 players online and it was time to upgrade our server configuration!
Previously working on a single server, Crypto Mining Game is now working on multiple servers, each providing a different service.
With this server configuration, we expect to be able to reach thousands of simultaneous players without any slowdowns.
Good to know
1) In CMG we have a database which hande all the secundary data of the game: Mainly world areas, messages, missions, notifications, quests, mini-game instances. This database has been corrupted during the upgrade. That's why you don't have any messages left, etc. So we had to regenerate the whole Crypto-World. The main database cointaining all your sensible datas has been fully migrated without any issue. So don't worry about that :)
2) Daily Bonus has not been reset. Of course, one day is missing, but you keep your multiplicator as all days are counted instead of continuous days.
3) Energy Boost has been stuck and it will be stuck until tomorrow, to let players coming back and not lose it.
4) There still a bug about Auto Refill of Energy. To avoid it, we suggest you not to stay in World page while you are doing nothing. Issue will be fixed no later than tomorrow.
So what's next?
Now that we won't need to focus on performance issues, we will be able to use our time to continue to improve the game in a better way! Be aware that Crypto Mining Game V2.1 will be released within the next weeks and it will be full of suprises!
Have fun Playing Crypto Mining Game!
Jamboom, CMG owner.
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