Published 2019-12-30 12:02:29

Hi Players! Here you can check some Balance update that will be performed for next season of Crypto Mining War of 5th, January 2020

To equilibrate the battles for the next season, here are a few Balance update that will be performed at the beginning of next season of Crypto Mining War (starts on 5th, January 2020) :

Buildings time in Battle UNLIMITED Buildings time in Battle 40 TURNS, then destroyed.
Mining Rig -> Building with no effect Mining Rig will generate 1 BTC every 10 turns - TOTAL 3 BTC generated
Miner Card get 6% Hit Speed and Move Speed per level Miner Card get 5% Hit Speed and Move Speed per level

More updates will come during this next season, especially around the cards abilities!

We remind you that in case of any issues, you can reach us on Discord to report it as it can be fixed as soon as possible! Discord is really a wonderfull tool to help us improve the game! Discord link :

Have fun!

Next News

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Crypto Mining Game New Servers Online!

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Crypto Mining War to a next level! Whatever you're involved or not in the Crypto Mining War, this news is made for you!