New Update 1.04! Avatar, Mission rewrite, Mission Boost, Pending Bitcore, Pop, etc.
Published 2018-07-11 15:01:13
We have introducing many changements with this update 1.04 with a major mission rewrite!
Hi Users, here's the Update v1.04!
We have made many changements and improvements in this new 1.04 version!
First of all, it was a long time that's asked. We have rewrite the mission system. Mission rewards have been rewritten to be more clear. Smallest missions will be reward more, as bigger missions will be reward less, but the timers has been considerably lowered, passing for level 14 from a month to only 8 hours! This way it will be much fun to play and, very important, we are now able to add missions up to level 18!
Also, Mission earnings are now totally indexed in the bitcoin price and will move every time (for ex. lvl 1 doge was 0.03 while it should have been 0.05 with the right rate). Now it will always be the good coin value.
The mission boost has been introduce to reward the faithful users! You will be able to increase your mission earnings up to 100%. All you have to do is to make at least 1 mission claim every day and it will grow of 1% per day!
In addition, we are beginning to redesign the website in something mor "fun", more "game like" as it has to be! We have so introduced new avatar icon which will evolve with your level! The higher level you'll have, the most powerfull you miner will be!
New features to come!
Satoshi, Doge and Litoshi mission level 16, 17 and 18!
Dash, Ether and BCH missions from level 1 to 18 will be added for premium users!
A new game to earn more coins!
About deposit and withdraw
As we are working hard on the rewrite and the critical updates, we have done our best to process the payout in time. Sorry if some are a little late, but don't worry, if it has not been done, it's usually always done in the next period (tuesday or friday). About the pending Bitcore withdraw, with had an issue to get our Bitcore from HitBTC; withdraw from there site just don't work since more than a week. We suspect they are just out of fund... So we have bought some from another exchange and coins should come very soon. We'll keep you in touch.
About the unrecognized deposit, we always work hard to process it as fast as possible, but it can take up to 10 business day, don't worry it will come. In addition, we are working in a function that will process the unrecognized deposit automatically from the support message when the transaction id is well known.
About pop
We are really sorry about the pop issues these past few days... Ads network always evolved and as we don't have (like some other favored faucet...) coinAd or CoinZilla, so we have to test many Ads network to optimize the website earnings. Some are good, some other not...
Now there's only one popads pop in mining and mission page + cointraffic and mellowads around every 15-30 minutes. Pop in mission should be opened only a few times per 24h per users, but it seems not to work. We suspect it's because of the cloudflare layer, who often change the ip to deserve the server. We are ALWAYS working on ads improvements. Please be patient...
We really hope that you will like the improvements and we are still working on many other fun stuff!
Have fun playing Crypto Mining Game!
Jamboom, website owner.
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2018-07-11 17:49:18
Precisions about missions
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2018-06-27 13:28:59
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