New Update CMG V2.31 - Top 1000 and Victory Points for everyone and more!
Published 2021-08-08 10:25:00
Crypto Mining Game has been updated to version 2.31! Now, Top 1000 players will be rewarded and Victory points are counted for many activities!
Dear players,
We really hope you're spending a nice summer! The beginning of Crypto Mining War season 22 is a good opportunity to make an important update which is already operational since a couple of days!
Top 1000 Players rewarded!
Previously Top 100, it's now the Top 1000 players will be rewarded at the end of the Crypto Mining War Season! We have simply add additionnal rewards for player from rank 101 to 1000! You can already look at your current rank in the Crypto Mining War page.
Victory Points for everyone!
From yesterday 7th, August, Victory points are now counting for many different activities in-game. That's another good starting point to migrate to CMG V3 system. Here are the details about the new Victory Points you'll receive :
- You receive 1 VP per minute of Mining process in the Mining page,
- 1 VP per minute of Job time you complete,
- 1 VP per Mission level when you're sending drones in the Crypto-World
- Several VP from Cards upgrades as the formula is {New Card Level} X {New Card Level} ( eg. 100 VP when upgrading a card to level 10 (10X10) ) !
- New way to get Victory Points from your CMG activity will be added soon, including VP from Workspace as well!
Earning Victory Points from the Cards Battles in Crypto-World remain the best way to get Victory Points. Remember! The closest to draw your Battle is ending, the higher you get VP from it! This is why and how Crypto Mining Game IS NOT a Pay-to-win game.
Swap Coinz!
Since 4th, August 2021, you can now easily swap coinz between each other! Time to remind you that we are regularly posting updates in real time in our social networks : Twitter and Discord!
Coinz Keys changes is planned
We are still working on a better way to withdraw your coinz and remind you we are aware that this "Coinz Keys" system might not be convenient for most of you. After a few months, we've noticed a lack of interest in CMG because of that annoying update. Please be assured we are working hard on another withdraw system that will be more fair to players and enough convenient as you, players, can only be focused on playing the game.
Crypto Mining War, the Trading Card Game online!
For those of you that are reading this news till the end, here is a short news to inform you that we are working on an amazing new feature for Crypto Mining Game : Crypto Mining War, the Trading Card Game!
This game will be a multiplayer game using the rules of Crypto Mining War, the trading card game (rules you can find here : Crypto Mining War TCG rules). UI design is ready to be integrated and most of the features have been developed and we expect to release this game in BETA for Elite members between the end of August and the beginning of September! You can still subscribe to our Patreon page in order to be part of this BETA when it will be released, and support our projects in the same time!
We wish you a sunny summer and hope you are all safe!
Jamboom, CMG owner.
Next News
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CMG v2.4 - Goodbye to Coinz Keys, Welcome to the Gems!
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Previous News
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Check out the Official Coinz Keys Drop times! (erratum)
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