Published 2019-03-21 16:43:53

We have perform an important security upgrade in the website, find out why! Build your Crypto Mining War Deck.

Hi Guys!

I'm sure many of you have noticed that website is extremely slow these days, especially during the day and afternoon.

Some ill-intentioned people had decided to attack the website with huge DDOS attack, using spoofing IP to take down the server

To let you know, since January, we have spent around weeks only to mitigate these attacks! All all this lost time we have not spent on the game development.

Anyway, we hope that now things will be better and faster for you to play the game.

Menu review

Menu has been a little reviewed, with a dedicated section to Crypto Mining War.

Build your Crypto Mining War Deck

Even if it's pretty useless from now, you can Build your deck in the my Cards section. We will very soon update all the cards with their cost in the game. Go to My Cards Section

Crypto Mining War Website

We have open a dedicated website for the game. You can check it at this address :

We will update this site with some news about the game development.

Hoping that website attacks are cleared, we can now work on the Market Place almost full time to provide it to you ASAP.

Have fun playing Crypto Mining Game!

Jamboom, CMG owner.

Explore more and discover the world of Crypto Mining Game.

Previous News

2019-03-04 09:03:42
What come next for CMG and CMW
Hi Guys, Just want to share with you what will come for Crypto Mining Game and Crypto Mining War for the next couple of months