Sorry for the referral bug...
Published 2018-04-04 11:28:11
We found a bug in the referral program since the last update, we are sorry for the convenience...
After some complaint of the users, we have found an important bug in the referral program.
Indeed, when a user register, the new feature forcing him to validate his email removed your ref id stored in session. In addition, any new users since this update have not their ref link set.
We have now resolved this bug and set all the missing ref link.
We are really sorry for the convenience. All users who think they miss a referral, please give us its username and we will add it for you (after control of course). You have until Monday, 9th April to do that, after, we won't be able to do so because we have hundreds of support every days...
Apologies again and have fun in Crypto Mining Game!
Next News
2018-04-05 14:33:48
New referral bug episode should be the last!
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2018-03-26 16:01:53
Important update V0.995 - Withdraw to HPower and more!