Published 2019-05-25 10:44:50

Hey! Check this news to know more about the Market system, how we will improve it and get info about the next important things to come!

Hi guys!

Past 2 days was extremely hard for us! New exchange feature called "the Market Place" is finally released and in the same time, website was under a DDOS flood attack. So website has known some performance issue, but it seems to be better now!

Important info about the new Market Place

Crystal bug has been fixed

First we have noticed an important bug (resolved now) that charged you twice the amount of crystal when you created an exchange where you you gave crystals. The bug has been fixed and all the amount of crystals has been refunded to your account. If unfortunately you have removed your offer, please contact us at any way.

Important notice about Market abuse

We can easily see that some users has created offers which are really, really abusive regarding the rate. We think it's important to let the user choose the amount of the offer freely, but thinking noob users will give you important amount of cryptos for nothing is completely unfair.

So we have improved the offer list as you can see the offer compared to the real rate of the cryptocurrencies exchanged.

On monday, 27th May: We will improve the offer creation in order to accept only offers up of 100% from the real rate. EVERY OFFER WHO DOES NOT RESPECT THAT AND HAS A RATE OF MORE THAN +100% WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY CANCELLED AND REFUNDED.. We keep the right of non refund it if the offer is extremely abusive!

What come next?

Anyway, we can see Market Place is pretty well used as since less than 2 days, more than 6300 offers has been created!

We will, in the next weeks, make some improvements on the filters, like be able to order the offer, search by specific card or chest, etc. We are also thinking of set an automatic fullfill possibility.


Everyone are aware that the value of the card are pretty low because there are still not enough game to play with it. From now, Hacker and Miner are the most valuable because of the Hacker's Mission mini-game (soon public) and Miner Run that will be update to play with the Miner Card.

So, to improve the value of the Cards, we will make them usefull to improve stuff in the game! Ex.:

  • Hacker and Blogger cards will improve the earning in mission!
  • Miner, ASIC, Mining Farm and Mining Rig cards will improve the Mining rate!
  • Trader will lower the Market and withdrawal fees!
  • Mouses and Faucet user will reduce the mission time!
  • Etc. Each card will give a certain advantages in any ingame stuff.

Also, we are working on making your cards Crypto Collectible and introducing an ERC20 Token in the game, more information about that very soon!

Have fun playing Crypto Mining Game!

Jamboom, CMG owner.

Explore more and discover the world of Crypto Mining Game.

Next News

2019-07-23 10:00:27
CMG V2 News and Welcome to the new card!

Previous News

2019-05-15 09:06:24
More Chests and Rewards! Exchange, Refill and Antibot system! Check the update!
We have performed some minor improvments in the Game. Find more chests in missions, Mega Jackpot rise, New antibot and Refill Energy system and exchange coming back soon!