Update V1.03 - The Mega Jackpot has arrived!
Published 2018-06-18 11:56:29
With this important update, we have added the Mega Jackpot feature and improve the header design!
We have announced past week that mega jackpot was coming! That's now done!
By clicking the "How it works" button, you can check that the idea is wuite simple!
Each time a player make a mission claim, the mega jackpot rise! You will get one ticket per mission claim you make.
Every monday, a winner will be drawn by random and win the Mega Jackpot.
Now it's in test version and there might be some adjustments, but it seems to work pretty well, let's see at which level it will grow!
In addition, we have improve the header design. If you don't see it, try to clear your cache by press Ctrl + F5 to refresh the page!
About the support, we remind you that it can take up to 7 business days for us to answer, so please don't worry and be happy/patient ^^.
Have fun playing Crypto Mining Game
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